Nautical LOVE
Featured by Zazzle!
When you see the word “feature” here at Nautical Boutique Co., you’re expecting us to be doing the featuring, I’ll bet. Your expectations wouldn’t be unreasonable, to be sure.
And we do tend to do more writing for the Internet than we do reading around the wild, wild Interwebs… but we took a break from all that recently and discovered — much to our delight — that our nautical LOVE mason jar was featured by the one and only Zazzle Blog… er… Zazzle Ideas!
Well, now, that’s exciting!
They did a fabulous tutorial featuring mason jars, twine, sand, and tea light candles. It’s so simple {yet so beautiful} that we know you’re going to want to do it yourself.
But before you do, here’s that nautical LOVE mason jar and our most popular items in the collection.
Dated #Nautical Watercolor Wedding Ship's Wheel Grocery Bag
Dated #Nautical Ship's Wheel #LOVE Wedding Sticker
Nautical LOVE Watercolor Typography Ship's Wheel Mason Jar
Watercolor Typography Ship's Wheel + Nautical LOVE Grocery Bag
Nautical Love Watercolor Typography + Ship's Wheel Tote Bag
Nautical Love Watercolor Typography + Ship's Wheel Bath Mat
You can check out all of our great gift ideas with our nautical version of the “I {heart} NY” craze of the 70s and 80s here.
And then head on over to the Zazzle Blog to see what all the excitement is about {and just how easy it is to pull together a fabulous nautical centerpiece}!
Happy shopping and happy crafting!
Looking for a special nautical gift? The lead mermaid is always happy to assist. Get in touch with her here, and let’s create something fabulous!