Mini Nautical Gift Wrap is Here!
It was quite by happenstance one day that we were looking for wrapping paper for a small gift and turned to our alter ego as a soap maker for inspiration. We have all sorts of packaging supplies readily available for those beautiful bars of suds, and indeed, one such packaging solution is personal stationery. It’s the exact size we need, pre-cut, it’s sturdy, and we can customize it to our heart’s content.
So we wrapped our gift, and had one of those “aha” moments where we realized others would love this idea as much as we did. From that, mini nautical flag wrapping paper was born!
Our design features nautical signal flags on one side — like a nautical monogram of the recipient — and a matching pattern on the reverse side. For packages about the size of a bar of soap, fold the long edge so that the reverse side pattern appears. Then wrap as usual. That gives you the effect you see in the image above. Neat, eh?
And, of course, we couldn’t stop at just miniatures, so we made full-sized versions, as well. 🙂 The full-size gift wrap is just one-side, and you’ll see the matching patterns in the background, as a lighter complement to the signal flag design. You’ll find both varieties below.
If you’re looking for our other gift wrap designs, you’ll find those here.
A Alfa / Alpha Nautical Signal Flag | Maritime Wrapping Paper
D Delta Nautical Signal Flag | Maritime Code Wrapping Paper
E Echo Nautical Signal Flag | Maritime Code Wrapping Paper
N November Watercolor Nautical Signal Flag Wrapping Paper
P Papa Nautical Signal Flag | Maritime Code Wrapping Paper
T Tango Nautical Signal Flag | Maritime Code Wrapping Paper
W Whiskey Nautical Signal Flag | Maritime Code Wrapping Paper
A Alfa Alpha Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
B Bravo Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
C Charlie Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
D Delta Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
E Echo Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
F Foxtrot Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
G Golf Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
H Hotel Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
I India Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
J Juliet Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
K Kilo Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
L Lima Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
M Mike Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
N November Watercolor Nautical Signal Flag Flyer
O Oscar Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
P Papa Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
Q Quebec Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
R Romeo Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
S Sierra Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
T Tango Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
U Uniform Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
V Victor Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
W Whiskey Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
X X-Ray Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
Y Yankee Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
Z Zulu Nautical Mini Wrapping Paper | Basic
Got the Perfect Gift, but Not the Perfect Gift Wrap?
If none of that is working out for you, send a note to the lead mermaid here. Let’s design a custom creation just for you!