A Change in Plans Over Mac Race Weekend
Mackinac (pronounced Mak-in-aw) Island is 3.8 square miles, located in Lake Huron, near the Straights of Mackinac between Michigan’s upper and lower peninsulas. It’s a lovely little place where the only vehicles permitted are those operated by emergency services. Some of our fondest childhood memories as a crew member for our family boat are on Mackinac Island.
It was with great excitement that we’d originally planned this post, launch of new designs, and the kick-off of a celebratory weekend for the start of the Race to Mackinac — Chicago Yacht Club‘s annual sailing race from Chicago to Mackinac Island, Michigan this past Saturday. {Well, that was our original plan. We mis-marked our calendar, and everything went sideways, but we were still planning much celebration this weekend!}
Then tragedy struck The Mac, as it’s referred, shortly after the Turbo Class fleet started. A crew member of the Imedi, Jon Santarelli, of Lincoln Park (Chicago), went overboard in rough weather. We prayed and waited for the best outcome, and as of now — Tuesday — search teams are still in recovery mode.
The Turbo Class is the last to start, so hundreds of other boats had already started the trek up Lake Michigan at this time, and we did follow the race (we have a history, but that’s a story for another time). The weather during the first 24 or so hours was pretty rough for all the boats that sailed, and we enjoyed the bit of social media crews were able to share amid the conditions. We were excited to cheer on the last vessel to cross the line this afternoon — Marabelle, a gorgeous Hunter 39 in Cruising Division — Tuesday at 15:55 CDT. Congratulations, Marabelle!
Our mood, however, is somber. It doesn’t feel appropriate to share a new product launch, so we’re going to save that for another day, along with our story about what The Mac means to us.
Until then, we continue to pray for the recovery team’s success, Mr. Santarelli’s family, his crew and captain, and all those affected by this tragedy. God speed, and safe sailing to everyone, wherever your journey takes you from the Island.
Learn more about The Mac at CYCRaceToMackinac.com.
If you’re here looking for our new Mackinac Island nautical chart design, get in touch.