How many times have you been at an event or in someone’s home for the first time, admired something, and their response was an excited “We saw it on Pinterest!”? Well, today, a Personalized Maritime Signal Flag Artwork pin inspired a blog post — and a new fabric design to make a great craft project easier for you to create!
Were you thinking it wasn’t an easy thing to craft mermaid ombre nails? We’re here to tell you otherwise! It’ll take you longer to read the tutorial than do your nails. Honest! Come see!
If you read our How to Make Digital Mermaid Scales tutorial, then you know we were working on a digital design of our own. Come see our creations!
Is your little girl’s favorite color “mermaid”? Or maybe your niece asks to watch The Little Mermaid every time she comes over for a visit? Whatever the reason you’re interested in creating something the color of mermaid, we’re going to show you how easy it is!
If you’re not from “around here,” then this Baltimore Chesapeake Bay nautical coastal bedroom decor may leave you wondering “what’s all the Baltimore about?” But if you are from the region, then you know your loyalties to the great state of Maryland are never too much, whether we’re talking home decor or anything else.
We have 8 ideas to make your “Basket of Cheer” give-away even better than… well… a basket of cheer! Read on to get and maybe even share your own ideas!
Achieving “The Beach Look” is easier than you think. We have the tips, check list, and even the color palette — plus an easy way to develop your own color palette.
Are you decorating just one or two rooms and looking for a sure-fire way to choose a color palette you’re going to love? Here’s our tip to create a beach color palette for your room makeover. The great thing is that it works for any theme, and not just beach home decor.